Scrotum if you Got ‘Em

Look, that title has nothing to do with anything.  It was just a phrase that occurred to me, and I was disappointed that 1) My mom didn’t say it first and 2) It took me 33 years. My birthday is this month, so at least I thought of it before I turned 34.  That would […]

Thangs poppin

Heeyyyyy, Hi.  Welcome.  Things here are just….I feel like all that ever happens is stuff that is either too boring to tell you about, or too interesting to be shared publicly on the whole internet. I should go get a Diaryland and make it password protected, probably.  Okay actuallyyyyyyy originally I started this blog because […]

Skirting the Issue

Hey y’all!  Look, I made it back here before the calendar flipped to yet another month!  I deserve a treat! Today I managed to shower and get dressed before work, which is a huge accomplishment. It has become all too tempting to just roll out of bed, put a clip in the rat’s nest formerly […]

Hello, world.

Ugh you guys, I’ve been dreading blogging.  I used to look forward to it every day, and then I thought maybe every week would suffice, but when I put something off long enough I start to forget why I even enjoyed it in the first place and doing it again seems like a punishment.  Bloggin’ is complicated […]

Broken Toesday

Not even kidding, I think I broke my dumb toe yesterday.  It’s the second-to-the-smallest toe, so it isn’t even an important one or anything but it sure does hurt.  I was trying to adjust my chair to be over the carpet, so I lifted it while I was hovering my butt over the seat, but then one […]


Okay I don’t know why I waited so long to update you guys on things because now I have no idea where to even begin or what to tell you about.  I think I was trying to get all my emotions under control so that I didn’t come back here and just write about how […]

Tearful Turdsday

  Look, guys.  Even when I make a decision that is a good one, I sometimes still feel regret.  I do my best to change a situation when it sucks, so changing one that doesn’t 100% suck feels very strange.  I could totally have kept working here forever and been moderately happy, but the remaining […]


This weekend in Ross, I saw an adorable coffee mug with the phrase “Bloom where you are planted” emblazoned on it. I’m familiar with the phrase, and at first blush it sounds sort of comforting and motivational, right?  Make the best of a bad situation!  You can’t control life, so just deal with it!  That’s not […]


Look, I was going to try to make today only about happy things but then it was the day that Jes left and I ended up crying like a big whiny baby.  Jes was the first friend I made in my department at work, and I have looked up to her ever since the first […]