Broken Toesday

Not even kidding, I think I broke my dumb toe yesterday.  It’s the second-to-the-smallest toe, so it isn’t even an important one or anything but it sure does hurt.  I was trying to adjust my chair to be over the carpet, so I lifted it while I was hovering my butt over the seat, but then one […]

Megablog: Weekend +Other Days

Okay let’s get down to business here, people.  No more sappy Father’s Day stuff, we need to talk about clothes and food.  I feel like the weekend is ancient history now, but I remember I ate some things that I wanted to tell you about.  I didn’t really wear clothes for pretty much the whole time, […]


Look, I was going to try to make today only about happy things but then it was the day that Jes left and I ended up crying like a big whiny baby.  Jes was the first friend I made in my department at work, and I have looked up to her ever since the first […]

Food, floats, and fun

Why yes I did just rip off an old McDonald’s slogan for this blog title.  I gotta level with you–eventually I may skip doing titles altogether because that mess is hard.  I’m so bad at naming them that they barely even relate to the post so when I go back and try to link to […]

Marlow’s, Weekend Clothes, Even No.’s

Hold onto your butts, kids.  This is a long one. Okay so I came outside to blog from the patio with my iced latte like a cool Real Blogger, but it’s already hotter than I care for and Zach has a pork butt on the smoker so it’s pretty odorous out here.  I’m going to […]