Skirting the Issue

Hey y’all!  Look, I made it back here before the calendar flipped to yet another month!  I deserve a treat! Today I managed to shower and get dressed before work, which is a huge accomplishment. It has become all too tempting to just roll out of bed, put a clip in the rat’s nest formerly […]

Hello, world.

Ugh you guys, I’ve been dreading blogging.  I used to look forward to it every day, and then I thought maybe every week would suffice, but when I put something off long enough I start to forget why I even enjoyed it in the first place and doing it again seems like a punishment.  Bloggin’ is complicated […]

Bomb-azz Review #4 (I think) and other stuff too

First of all, I was about to start this entry with “Yo yo yo” but do actual people say “yo” anymore?  Because that appears to be not only my preferred blog opening but also the way I answer the telephone most often, and is probably as hip as saying, “Greetings and salutations”* or describing things […]


Okay I don’t know why I waited so long to update you guys on things because now I have no idea where to even begin or what to tell you about.  I think I was trying to get all my emotions under control so that I didn’t come back here and just write about how […]

Marlow’s, Weekend Clothes, Even No.’s

Hold onto your butts, kids.  This is a long one. Okay so I came outside to blog from the patio with my iced latte like a cool Real Blogger, but it’s already hotter than I care for and Zach has a pork butt on the smoker so it’s pretty odorous out here.  I’m going to […]

More butt stuff

You guys I’m not even kidding, that cloud-to-butt app is the best thing the internet ever gave me, and I met my husband and most of my friends online. Okay fine, it ranks after Zach, my job, and 5 of my friends.  But it’s still SUPER FUNNY OMG.  Just look at these incredible examples that literally had […]

Bomb-Azz Review #2: The Bombening

Alternate title: Electric Bombaloo.  I don’t think I named the first bath bomb review I did, but henceforth the series will be known as Bomb-Azz Reviews.  If I remember to do that.  I could also come up with a better name. Time will tell. Last night I wanted to wash the funk of the day […]