
Okay kids, today I am in a time crunch so this’ll be a speedy edition of lunchblog here at Clotheshog.  Today was a tough day and I would love nothing more than to bitch about it with you, but I’m gonna skip it and tell you about this beautiful piece of chocolate cake I have: it is beautiful and chocolate and cake, and it will not exist much longer.  I should have known today was going to be a big ol’ steamer when my I picked up my sunglasses to put them on, and they came apart in my hands, just as I suspected they would.  I have repaired my fair share of cheap shades, but I couldn’t even find the tiny screw for these so they are now $5 of garbage.  At least I got that one outfit photo out of ’em, I guess.


I was going to give you a whole review of Spiller Park Coffee but instead I will give you a partial review: the coffee is delicious but holy balls it’s pricy!  This iced vanilla latte runs about $6, and while it is delicious I don’t find it to be worth that price point.  My boos at the West Elm can make you a drank twice the size for $2 cheaper, though it will not come in a mason jar, so you have to decide if style or substance is more important.  Also sometimes I just want like a gallon of cold caffeinated beverage, and SP only makes one size, and it is not large.  They make a beautiful artsy fartsy cappuccino, but it is also very wee.

For the grand finale, here is a photo of me wearing clothes.  This dress came from Ross a couple summers ago and the color scheme is my fave.  A coworker today said it reminded him of Chiclets (which is a gum and not a baby chicken for some dumb reason), and I can totally see the resemblance.  The shoes are Nine West by way of Amazon, the belt is Cats Like Us, and the earrings are from It’s Fashion Metro.


Okay goodbye,  I hope you are having the best evening.

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